Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I have seen and heard a lecture on L2. We are named after W2? What if a three comes up quickly? Are we then going to be a L3? I have been a Librarian for twenty years. Fads come
and go. Death of the floppy. Death of tapes. Reign of dvds. And now they have "blue light"
dvds. A new product was developed years ago to replace CDs. People now have Ipods. The
technology is outpacing its consumers. Are we keeping up with technology that is used or new?
As life goes on the technology will change again. It always does. How many of our users will
always go with the new technology? I could see surveys being useful on the subject not just online but also foot traffic. And it is needed today to see what people will actually use if we have it.

1 comment:

  1. I've been in education over 30 years, boy have seen some fads come and go. And yes, some are already discussing web 3.0.

    By the way, if you want to look at my blog it is
